Friday, June 25, 2010

Journey of a GEMMIEZ

Im just rephrase what has been written by Sazlie. It was so touching to read his mind in his blog (danmasaberlalu.blogspot.c
om) and seriously, It has made my tears to fall. We have gone through 2 and a half month of hardship yet enjoyable moment GEMS. I would like to thank all GEMS members (Sapphire, Jade, APAX, Diamond, Amber, Onyx, Ruby and Emerald) for opening my eyes wide enough to see these cold and hard facts about life. GEMS opened my eyes to a new perspective on life. The 1st week of GEMS was totally boring. Everything was new. We met new friends, new environment and new realm. In the beginning of the GEMS, we sat together with other GEMMIEZ, looking at each other. No intention to gain something new from each other. We have been instructed to do this and that but we did it. No other reason, our KPI. But yes I agreed with Sazlie, GEMMIEZ of GEMS04 were fantastic, we can do everything given by secretariat. For example, during GEMS opening ceremony, our sister Christina Lui proved to us that she can manage the event.

During APE (Achieving Personal Excellence), we learned something about ourselves. Each and every one of us actually has our own ability to be what we want to be. Thanks to Ahmad Shukri, like what Sazlie said, the best trainer we ever had. During this module, we made ourselves brave enough to stand in front of the crowd, talking about ourselves. Still remember our 1st sport-kind-of-activity treasure hunt? Even though it was not the best activity but I bet, we enjoyed ourselves right? We kept on running and achieving the checkpoints and I still remember, how terrible my group, EMERALD (the E group during APE) mistakenly thought that we were the winner. Until one of the Secretariat informed us that we missed one checkpoint, then we finished the course finally, at 2nd place.

The next week after that then begin the worst nightmare, class modules. We have to sit inside our company and listen to the modules. Modules started with English Business Communication Modules. I was surprised that most of the GEMMIEZ spoke well in English. The English Business Communication Modules were conducted for 2 weeks and there were soft skill classes in between. I still remember, our 1st project, English Fair. I was being informed that even though we organised this English Fair using the new format, GEMMIEZ of GEMS04 have made the best out from themselves. We made the best English Fair ever! English Fair ended with so many lovable memories. Not to forget how hard we prove to those Secretariats during Sales Presentation that we were capable of doing just anything. Bistro, Beauty Spa, Agriculture and so many things happened in just a night. Indeed we have invested our time in this event. So many sleepless nights and thank God, everything ended well. Life is great. I agree with this statement. If you can recall, in the beginning of GEMS, we stayed in a silent mode. See the difference in just 2 and a half months, we never keep our mouth shut. Everyone wanted to say something, to speak their minds out. We later realized in that perspective, group formation has happened. Everyone tried their best to adapt and later, I am sure some conflict might arise. When the English Business Communication Modules ended, there goes the next module. Then we have to sit again in the class. Opss.. our company. Listening to trainers and answering the pre and post test. Sometimes I must admit that it was totally a boring thing to do. But now I realized, all the things given by the trainers were true.

Our routines were packed. We woke up early in the morning, fighting to get into the bathroom, ironing shirts and others. How funny it was. Then we lined up to enter the basement. Now we misses the hard boiled eggs, soggy waffles, fried what-so-called mee and other food so much. Now we realize how special we were that time, being served by the hotel staff those stuffs. The basement became our favourite place to share stories, hot gossip and new information. Some of us made plans, brainstorming and “curhat” in the basement. When we were having good time during breakfast, suddenly our faces turned sour. Want to know why? IBM arrived. For those GEMMIEZ who were joined by him, so sorry guys. Hehe. Then at 8 am, we rushed up to class. GEMMIEZ who were the regular faces of taking the LCD, if Sazlie didn’t turn up sharp at 7.40am, we made a piquet. There were times that he was also late and he smiled at us.

Do you remember the term “HEADCOUNT”? haha. When we were in the class then popped out either Sazlie or Kak Mar. I cannot forget how fierce their faces were. Counting our heads.. satuu..sudaaa..tigaaa... after that, our class resumed as usual. But sometimes, IBM did show up during class. Sitting at the back and sometimes, we didn’t realize that he was there. There was a time when I laughed so hard but dear God, I didn’t know that he was at the back there, again smiling. I cannot recall how many times I had yawned in class. It was like forever. In the evening, we had so many activities to do (have to and we were so rajin lah!). For muslims, spiritual activity is a must. Sazlie mentioned in his blog, “kurang sambutan”. I want to apologise for my absenteeism. I know its hard for us to attend the event. I just hope that one day we would know that this is one of the important elements in our life. Don’t forget our God as He never forgotten about us. For the spiritual upliftment committee, they did a good job. Then after the spiritual activities, meetings, discussions, grouping and completing assignments given took place. Not to forget activities carried out at the rooftop such as gift exchange, intelligent brains and others.

Then the 2nd major event in GEMS, Megatrends Conference took place. I am really sure many of us cannot forget how intense the situation was. I still remember, i didn’t sleep for almost 2 nights just to make sure everything is running smoothly. Pity my deputy, he had to take over my job as I am not be able to continue my task due to my illness. Preparation was made thoroughly. Thanks to all GEMMIEZ who helped me a lot to ensure the smooth-running of this event. We called scholars and VIP’s to give their talks. I can see GEMMIEZ’s sour faces there, during the talk. My goodness. They did suffer in silence.

After 2 days off, then we continued our journey in Teambuilding. Still remember Pak Wahab and Abang Zurai? We might not be able to forget the longkang issue. Cindai Wong “kantoi” and been caught red handed by Abang Zurai. Pak Wahab was a soldier and he still a soldier. I have my respect for him. We managed to build our lovely raft. Yeah, the raft. We had so much fun during Teambuilding. In fact, we produced high quality of movies for the Oscar night. When it comes to meal, i am sure many of us were still unsatisfied with it. Why? We cannot add more food and the curry was really SUPERB! I missed the wonderful scenario of the waterfall, the woods and the small village along the jungle tracking route. Yes, we did learn something new during Teambuilding. One of them is trust. We have to trust ourselves that we can do what the others can. I know, when Abang Zurai regarded us as Kurang Ajar, we were not agreed with it. Some of us mumbled in our cabin. Then we realised, what he said was true. We are the future leaders. The product of GEMS and its all rest in our shoulders the responsibilities to make the world a better place to live and to survive. “If you learned something from this, congratulations! If you don’t, I feel sorry for you!” – IBM.. Still craving for the barbequed wings anyone? Hehe

During the Career Day (after Teambuilding), thank God the event was running smoothly. Some of us obtained good information on the organisation that took part in our Career Day. And some of us received positive response from them. Congratulations! What we can see from this event was, its very hard now to get a job. Some of us tried our luck from table to table. I am very proud of you guys. We never give up hope. Now we are living in the real world. Some of us got a job already and some of us still waiting. Be patient guys. Someday, somehow we will get a good job.

One of the programs in GEMS was Corporate Responsibility. A program that proved the world that corporate world also plays their part in contributing to the communities. I respected Mellisa Lusus for her endless effort to ensure this program is a success. And yes, it was. I still remember, as a Food Beverage manager Fariz, Yuni and I went for searching for the best place to buy raw materials. We bought fruits, poultries, onions, and other stuff needed during the program. We sat together with orang kampong (Kampung Pulo Ulu) and discussed on the program. The ketua kampong was such a nice person. I must say that all the orang kampong did give us every inch of assistance during the program. It was so nostalgic to see the elders of the kampong dancing poco-poco.

Lastly our greatest event ever, Corporate Dinner took place in the end of GEMS calendar. It was fun. Everyone used their best attire. The guys looked like Sean Connery in James Bond’s film. And the girls were like princess of heaven. So beautiful.. i never come across that someone can be so different using different dresses. We took picture with each other, and not to forget, with our beloved master of all, IBM. We took pictures, talked with others , delivered speeches, performed on stage and it is all done just to be part of our sweetest memories in GEMS. Last activity was the Bengkel Kerjaya by Dr Aby Ismail. In my life, I never meet a man who has really strong voice. Just imagine, he put the microphone at his belly and believe me, we can still hear his voice as if the mic is just like a centimetre from his mouth. But he did tell us great things about life, never give up. A night before the GEMS ended, Sazlie organised a program “kerohanian”. But unfortunately I cannot attend it. I heard some news about this program where a GEMMIEZ burst into tears.

The final day, the last day of GEMS. The day that we have waiting for and to die for. We received our “degree” and offer letter. All of us looked very handsome and charming. And I know, starting from the early morning. My heart felt something. This day will be the last day I am going to meet the other GEMMIEZ. It is the time when we have to say good bye and good luck to each other. On the screen, every memory started to pop out. One by one and I realized some of us cried. In 2 and a half month, from zero we are now heroes. And in that short period of time, from a friend we turned out to be best friends and some of us Alhamdulillah, able to grow into the next phase in friendship.

Separation was never a happy thing. We cried. We smiled and we laughed. I still remember, in the beginning of GEMS, we didn’t even look at each other or just stop by to say hi to each other. After living together, in a wonderful hotel like Penview we hardly say goodbye to each other. Sadness was controlling the atmosphere. Like Sazlie said “Pahit manis bersama2, banyak kisah untuk dikongsi, rasa suka, cinta, marah, gaduh, gembira, kelakar, dendam, terharu, terhutang budi, dan pelbagai lagi tersemat di sebalik nama GEMS KCH04.”

Now, I am sure we are trying our best to secure our place in the new phase in life, in our practical. Some of us are lucky enough to get a secured job already. Some of us are happy with our new practical place and some of us aren’t. Some of us are still hoping and waiting. I believe GEMS taught us a very deep meaning of life and the way we should look it as a whole. Thanks GEMS for changing my life. And for all gemmiez thanks for being my friend. And I promise, I will never forget you as long as I live.


1 comment:

Nana Syafina said...

kmk rindu gilak2 kenangan kita semua masa all Gemmiez KCH04, i love n miss u guys so much..i hope that our friendship will never end..muuuaaahhhh!!!